Digestible and Resistant Starch Assay Kit

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00:05  Introduction
01:42   Principle
04:11    Reagent Preparation
07:54   Enzyme Digestion: Method 1 - Analysing ~ 0.5 g of sample
09:21   Method 1 (A) – Addition of PAA + AMG solution
09:50  Method 1 (B) - Addition of PAA + AMG suspension
10:23   Enzyme Digestion: Method 2 - Analysing ~ 0.1 g of sample
11:34    Method 2 (A) – Addition of PAA + AMG solution
12:03   Method 2 (B) - Addition of PAA + AMG suspension
12:33   Preparation of Stopping Reagents
13:12    Determination of Digestible Starch
18:27    Determination of Resistant Starch
25:53   Calculations

Digestible and Resistant Starch Assay Kit K-DSTRS Scheme
Reference code: K-DSTRS
SKU: 700004277

40 assays of each per kit

Content: 40 assays of each per kit
Shipping Temperature: Ambient
Storage Temperature: Short term stability: 2-8oC,
Long term stability: See individual component labels
Stability: > 2 years under recommended storage conditions
Analyte: Digestible Starch, Resistant Starch, Total Starch
Assay Format: Spectrophotometer
Detection Method: Absorbance
Wavelength (nm): 510
Signal Response: Increase
Linear Range: 4 to 100 μg of D-glucose per assay
Limit of Detection: 3.1 g/100 g
Reaction Time (min): ~ 360 min
Application examples: Plant materials, starch samples and other materials.

The Digestible and Resistant Starch Assay Kit (K-DSTRS) for the determination of digestible, resistant and total starch in starch samples, plant and other materials.

This method is based on the research of Englyst et al. (Ref) with some modifications. Digestion is performed using saturating levels of pancreatic α-amylase (PAA) and amyloglucosidase (AMG), but in stirred containers rather than shaken tubes, to simplify sample removal.

In line with Englyst definitions:

Rapidly digestible starch (RDS) is that starch which is digested within 20 min.

Slowly digestible starch (SDS) is that starch which is digested between 20 and 120 min.

A new term, ‘Total digestible starch (TDS)’ is introduced (and measured) to cover all starch that is digested within 4 h (the average time of residence of food in the human small intestine).

Resistant starch (RS) then, is that starch which is not digested within 4 h.

The incubation conditions parallel those used in AOAC Method 2017.16, a new, rapid integrated procedure for the measurement of total dietary fiber (Megazyme method K-RINTDF). This method is physiologically based and designed to fit the definition of DF announced by Codex Alimentarius in 2009.

See our full range of starch and dietary fiber assay kits.

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Scheme-K-DSTRS DSTRS megazyme


Certificate of Analysis
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FAQs Assay Protocol Data Calculator Product Performance Validation Report
Megazyme publication

Measurement of available carbohydrates, digestible, and resistant starch in food ingredients and products.

McCleary, B. V., McLoughlin, C., Charmier, L. M. J. & McGeough, P. (2019). Cereal Chemistry, 97(1), 114-137.

Background and objectives: The importance of selectively measuring available and unavailable carbohydrates in the human diet has been recognized for over 100 years. The levels of available carbohydrates in diets can be directly linked to major diseases of the Western world, namely Type II diabetes and obesity. Methodology for measurement of total carbohydrates by difference was introduced in the 1880s, and this forms the basis of carbohydrate determination in the United States. In the United Kingdom, a method to directly measure available carbohydrates was introduced in the 1920s to assist diabetic patients with food selection. The aim of the current work was to develop simple, specific, and reliable methods for available carbohydrates and digestible starch (and resistant starch). The major component of available carbohydrates in most foods is digestible starch. Findings: Simple methods for the measurement of rapidly digested starch, slowly digested starch, total digestible starch, resistant starch, and available carbohydrates have been developed, and the digestibility of phosphate cross‐linked starch has been studied in detail. The resistant starch procedure developed is an update of current procedures and incorporates incubation conditions with pancreatic α‐amylase (PAA) and amyloglucosidase (AMG) that parallel those used AOAC Method 2017.16 for total dietary fiber. Available carbohydrates are measured as glucose, fructose, and galactose, following complete and selective hydrolysis of digestible starch, maltodextrins, maltose, sucrose, and lactose to glucose, fructose, and galactose. Sucrose is hydrolyzed with a specific sucrase enzyme that has no action on fructo‐oligosaccharides (FOS). Conclusions: The currently described “available carbohydrates” method together with the total dietary fiber method (AOAC Method 2017.16) allows the measurement of all carbohydrates in food products, including digestible starch. Significance and novelty: This paper describes a simple and specific method for measurement of available carbohydrates in cereal, food, and feed products. This is the first method that provides the correct measurement of digestible starch and sucrose in the presence of FOS. Such methodology is essential for accurate labeling of food products, allowing consumers to make informed decisions in food selection.

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Starch-Tannin Interactions: Influence of Grape Tannins on Structure, Texture, and Digestibility of Starches from Different Botanical Sources.

Kaur, H., Mehta, A. & Kumar, L. (2024). Food Hydrocolloids, 111004.

This study investigated the effect of grape seed (GSd) and grape skin (GSk) tannins on the physicochemical, rheological properties and in-vitro digestibility of starches (corn, pea and wheat) derived from three different botanical sources. Quantification of bound and unbound tannins using MCP and HPLC analysis demonstrated that majority of the tannins were bound to starch molecules. The results of particle size distribution, starch-iodine binding and FTIR studies indicated the development of inclusion complexes through hydrophobic interactions with tannins in pea starch, while other two starches prominently formed non-inclusion complexes via hydrogen bonding. Back extrusion analysis of textural properties indicated that wheat starch-tannin complexes resulted in firmer starch-tannin gels compared to other two starches. Rheological studies revealed an increase in the viscoelastic modulus (G’ and G”) with improved elastic behavior for all starch-tannin gels. Starches complexed with tannins demonstrated strong antioxidant properties and in-vitro starch digestion studies revealed significant reductions in rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS), along with an increase in resistant starch (RS), particularly in pea starch complexed with GSd tannins. This study enhanced our understanding of how GSd and GSk tannins influence the properties of starches from various botanical origins, helping in understanding starch-tannin interactions and enabling the creation of foods with improved texture and digestibility.

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Effect of Non-Covalent Interactions on Gluten-free Batter Stability and Bread Properties.

Waziiroh, E., Bender, D., Fuhrmann, P. L. & Schoenlechner, R. (2024). LWT, 117263.

Starch and proteins interact non-covalently by hydrogen bonding, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. While their impact on crumb stability in conventionally baked breads has been explored, the role of these interactions when using alternative baking technologies remains understudied. This study aimed to determine how non-covalent interactions affect rheological, nutritional and technological properties of gluten-free (GF) bread when baked using a deck oven or ohmic heating (OH). A GF formulation composed of maize starch and six structurally different non-gluten proteins was tested. Rheological and pasting properties, bread volume and starch digestibility were evaluated to study the significance of these interactions. Batter analyses indicated that protein functionality, particularly free sulfhydryl groups and surface hydrophobicity, strongly influenced pasting. Critical strain (0.09–0.14%) and flow transition points (1.01–3.69%) varied with protein type, showing distinct microstructural variations within the batter. Non-covalent interactions, especially hydrophobic and electrostatic forces, played a major role in stabilizing the OH bread, while conventional baking probably relied more on covalent interactions. Hydrogen bonding between polymers contributed to an increase in resistant starch (RS). This study revealed that specific non-covalent interactions played a crucial role in the structural and nutritional properties of GF bread, particularly when applying OH.

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Bioactive compounds and digestible starch variability of rice, maize, green gram, and soy grains with different levels of germination.

Gunathunga, C., Senanayake, S., Jayasinghe, M., Brennan, C. S., Truong, T., Marapana, U. & Chandrapala, J. (2024). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(12), 9273-9286.

Germination is a sustainable and economical process that can enhance the bioactivities of commonly consumed cereal and pulses, contributing to healthier diets. Its effectiveness in increasing bioactives depends on the germination conditions. This study examined the impact of varying germination periods (2, 4, 6, and 8 days) following 12 h of steeping on rice, maize, green gram, and soy, focusing on key bioactive compounds, including total polyphenols, flavonoids, and total digestible starch. Cereal and pulses germinated for eight days demonstrated a significantly higher (P < 0.05) total polyphenol and flavonoid content along with elevated antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity strongly correlated to increased total polyphenol and flavonoid levels throughout the extended germination period. Moreover, the total digestible starch content (TDS) in rice, maize, and soy increased significantly (P < 0.05) because of the hydrolysis of starch molecules, while green gram showed twofold decrease in TDS, indicating the impact of germination on TDS content may differ across the type of cereal and pules. Using locally grown Sri Lankan grain varieties, such as rice, maize,green gram,and soy, this study fills the gap in existing database on the investigation of bioactive compounds and total digestible starch content, exploring the potential of germination of cereal and pulses to use in nutritionally rich products in the food and agriculture industry with a focus on sustainable food systems and healthier eating habits.

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The effect of sprouted wheat wholemeal inclusion in bread recipes on postprandial blood glucose and satiety responses in healthy adults: a randomized trial.

Cao, W., Tucker, A., Hoang, A., Abdi, R., Wright, A. & Joye, I. J. (2024). Journal of Functional Foods, 121, 106447.

Sprouted wheat wholemeal was reported to enhance the nutritional and sensory properties of cereal products, but few human studies exist. The effect of blending 50 % sprouted wheat wholemeal in a bread recipe on the postprandial glycemic and satiety responses, and sensory-related sensations was investigated in this randomized crossover human study with 12 healthy participants. Capillary blood samples were collected and glycemic response was determined at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 min. Satiety visual analogue scales were given every 30 min. While substituting bread wheat flour with sprouted wheat wholemeal significantly increased the α-amylase activity in the dough (p < 0.05), it did not alter in vitro digestibility or postprandial glycemic and satiety responses (p > 0.05). Likewise, participant overall acceptability was not adversely affected. Sprouted wheat wholemeal can be used as a functional ingredient in breadmaking, although it did not, in this study, significantly affect digestibility parameters.

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Impact of heat and high-moisture pH treatments on starch digestibility, phenolic composition, and cell bioactivity in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) flour.

Peterson, J., Santana, A. L., Cox, S., Perez-Fajardo, M., Covarrubias, J., Perumal, R., Bean, S., Wu, X. & Smolensky, D. (2024). Frontiers in Nutrition, 11, 1428542.

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), characterized by substantial genetic diversity, encompasses some lines rich in health-promoting polyphenols. Laboratory studies have demonstrated anticancer properties of sorghum phenolics; however, their presence may impact nutritional factors, such as digestible starch. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of pH and high-moisture heating on starch digestibility, phenolic profile, and anticancer activity in sorghum. High Phenolic sorghum flour line SC84 was combined with buffer solutions (pH 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) and heated for 0, 10, 30, 60, or 120 min. Starch digestibility was assessed using the K-DSTRS kit from Megazyme. Changes in phenolic composition were analyzed using total phenolic content (TPC) and condensed tannin content (CTC) assays coupled with reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) analysis. Anticancer potential against human colorectal cancer cells (HCT116 and SW480) was determined though cell viability assay. Results indicated a significant increase in total starch digestibility of sample after heating. Heating samples for 10 min did not significantly reduce TPC of samples. However, CTC was significantly reduced with heating time, while pH exhibited no significant effect on CTC. The measured 3-deoxyanthocyanidins experienced a significant decrease (p < 0.0001), while certain flavonoids increased significantly (p < 0.05) after heating for 30 min or longer. Notably, the 10 min heating duration minimally affected anticancer activity, whereas longer heat times diminished extract efficacy against human colorectal cancer cells. Alkaline pH levels significantly decreased anticancer activity, regardless of heating time. Importantly, heating sorghum for 10 min improved starch digestibility with minimal compromise to potential health benefits. These findings suggest promising implications for the development of high-phenolic sorghum products, and provide valuable insights to guide forthcoming animal and clinical studies. The demonstrated impact of wet-heating on increased starch digestibility, coupled with the preservation of phenolic content and bioactivity, underscores the potential of incorporating high-phenolic sorghum lines in future functional food formulations.

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Impact of food processing on the in vitro and in vivo glycemic response to citrus fiber-enriched dough products.

Miehle, E., Pietrynik, K., Bader-Mittermaier, S., Skurk, T., Eisner, P. & Hauner, H. (2024). Journal of Functional Foods, 117, 106230.

Frequent consumption of processed, high-glycemic, low-fiber foods is associated with an increased risk of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and ultimately of type-2 diabetes. This work investigated the impact of enriching high-glucose doughs with citrus fiber and various processing methods (baking and extrusion cooking) on glycemia using a novel combination of in vitro and in vivo methodology and relating to product-specific characteristics. Starch digestibility, dietary fiber composition, product structure and in vitro glucose release were determined. In vivo glycemia and insulinemia were evaluated in 11 adults at metabolic risk in a randomized, double-blind crossover study. The fiber-enriched products significantly reduced in vitro glucose release by up to 15%. Extrusion at 180°C increased soluble and total dietary fiber contents by 10 % and resistant starch content by 60%, impairing in vitro glucose release. Neither fiber-enrichment nor processing methods significantly influenced postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations in study participants emphasizing the need for combined developmental approaches.

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Autochthonous Wheat Grown in Organic and Conventional Systems: Nutritional Quality of Flour and Bread.

Fernández-Canto, N., García-Gómez, M. B., Vázquez-Odériz, M. L., Lombardero-Fernández, M., Pereira-Lorenzo, S., Cobos, Á., Diaz, O. & Romero-Rodríguez, M. Á. (2024). Foods, 13(7), 1120.

A growing interest in the recovery and enhancement of crops, particularly local varieties such as ‘Caaveiro’ wheat, has been observed. This study aims to investigate the impact of cultivation systems (organic versus conventional) on the nutritional quality of ‘Caaveiro’ flour and breads protected by the PGI “Pan Galego,” employing two fermentation methods (sourdough versus sourdough and biological yeast). Organic flour exhibited significantly higher levels of moisture, fat, sucrose, phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), and copper (Cu) while also exhibiting a lower total starch and zinc (Zn) content. Organic bread, produced using both fermentation methods, demonstrated significantly higher protein, carbohydrate, total, resistant, and rapidly digestible starch, ash, Na, P, iron (Fe), and Cu content. Additionally, they contained less moisture compared to conventional bread. Despite variations in nutritional characteristics based on the cultivation system, the organic approach proved effective at producing high-quality products with a positive environmental impact, which is highly appreciated by consumers.

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Processing of corn-based dog foods through pelleting, baking and extrusion and their effect on apparent total tract digestibility and colonic health of adult dogs.

Corsato Alvarenga, I., Lierz, R., Chen, Y., Lu, A., Lu, N. & Aldrich, C. G. (2024). Journal of Animal Science, 102, skae067.

Different food processing parameters may alter starch granule structure and its cooking degree. With lower thermomechanical energy, more resistant starch (RS) is retained in the food, which may benefit gastrointestinal (GI) health. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of food processing on dietary utilization and dog gut health. Experimental diets containing 56% corn as the sole starch source were produced through pelleting, baking, and extrusion and compared to a baked control diet in which the corn was replaced with dextrose. The extruded diet resulted in the highest level (P < 0.05) of in vitro starch cook and lowest RS, while baked was intermediate and pelleted had the lowest starch cook and highest RS. To evaluate the in vivo effects of these treatments, 12 dogs were adapted to foods for 9 d, and feces were collected for 5 d in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design. Feces were scored for consistency using an ordinal scale, and parametric data included apparent digestibility (ATTD), parameters indicative of gut health, and the microbial composition, which was centered log-ratio transformed before operational taxonomic unit (OTU) analyses. Fecal scores were analyzed by ordinal logistic regression, and parametric data were analyzed as mixed models. Overall ATTD was greater (P < 0.05) in extruded, followed by baked and pelleted. Dogs fed the control had osmotic diarrhea, whereas dogs fed the other treatments had mostly acceptable fecal scores, with extrusion leading to the best fecal quality. The control also led to high fecal pH and low SCFAs, indicating dysbiosis. All corn foods had similar (P > 0.05) fecal SCFAs and extruded tended (P = 0.055) to promote higher fecal butyrate than baked and pelleted. The microbiome of dogs fed the corn foods had similar α diversity indices, and OTUs at the species and phyla levels were mostly alike and different from the control. In conclusion, the higher levels of in vitro RS did not translate into a better in vivo fermentation profile, and extruded kibble performed best regarding fecal quality, ATTD, and fecal SCFAs.

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Gluten‐free corn cookies incorporated with stinging nettle leaf flour: effect on physical properties, storage stability, and health benefits.

Tanyitiku, M. N., Bessem, P. & Petcheu, I. C. N. (2024). International Journal of Food Science, 2024(1), 8864560.

The consumption of gluten-free corn cookies is becoming very popular among nonceliac and celiac individuals. However, the absence of gluten and other nutrients in corn generally leads to cookies of lower quality in terms of nutritional value, texture, colour, and shelf life. To improve the quality characteristics of corn cookies, this study investigated the effect of incorporating an underutilised herb (Urtica dioica L. leaves) on its nutritional and physical properties. Stinging nettle leaf flour was incorporated at different levels (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) and compared with a control (100% corn cookies). The storage stability of the formulated corn cookies was also investigated at room and frozen (-18 ± 2°C) temperature. The incorporation of stinging nettle leaf flour increased (p < 0.05) the ash and protein content of corn cookies from 0.32% (control) to 2.56% (20% stinging nettle leaf flour incorporation) and 6.44% (control) to 21.52% (20% stinging nettle leaf flour incorporation), respectively. After in vitro starch digestion, the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (AA) also increased approximately 27 and seven times, respectively, and the estimated glycaemic index (GI) (eGI) decreased (p < 0.05) from 48.60% (control) to 33.18% (20% stinging nettle incorporated). Shelf life characteristics (water activity, peroxide value (PV), and microbial count) of formulated corn cookies were within acceptable limits for human consumption upon storage for 6 months. The findings indicated that stinging nettle leaves could serve as a potential food ingredient in gluten-free bakery products, particularly where low GI foods are desirable.

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Effects of food processing on in vitro glucose release of high methylester pectin-enriched doughs.

Miehle, E., Eisner, P. & Bader-Mittermaier, S. (2024).. Food Chemistry, 442, 138331.

The incidence of type 2 diabetes is linked to consuming processed, high-glycemic foods low in dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fibers are known to improve blood glucose tolerance. This study examined the impact of processing on the in vitro glucose release of fiber-rich, high-glycemic foods. The impact of composition and microstructure on in vitro glucose release and starch digestibility was evaluated in doughs – untreated, baked at 180 °C, and extruded at 150 °C and 180 °C – with partial enrichment of high-methylester pectin. Pectin enrichment decreased starch digestibility, altered the food matrix, and doubled in vitro chyme-viscosity resulting in reduced glucose release in baked (180 °C), and extruded (150 °C) products. Baking or extrusion cooking increased starch digestibility – converting slowly into rapidly available starch and free glucose. Additionally, resistant starch levels were enhanced by up to fivefold. The variations in glucose release originated from a complex interplay between starch digestibility, viscosity, and the food matrix.

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Preservation of bioactive compounds occurring in fresh pasta fortified with artichoke bracts and tomato powders obtained with a novel pre-treatment.

la Gatta, B., Rutigliano, M., Liberatore, M. T., Dilucia, F., Spadaccino, G., Quinto, M. & Di Luccia, A. (2023). LWT, 187, 115298.

Over the years, the need to recover agro-industrial by-products has become a global concern, due to their environmental and economic impact. In this work, two different powders obtained from artichoke bracts and tomato by an innovative, non-thermal, and non-invasive technology (patent nr. 001,426,984) were added to the formulation of fresh Tagliatelle pasta. The fate of bioactive compounds before and after the cooking process was analyzed following the total polyphenolic content and the antioxidant activity. The addition of vegetable powders led to an increase in the above-mentioned parameters (110.0 mg of Gallic Acid/100 g pasta and 36.4 μmol TEAC/100 g pasta for Artichoke-LP-Raw Pasta; 120.1 mg of Gallic Acid/100 g pasta and 55.3 μmol TEAC/100 g pasta for Tomato-LP-Raw Pasta), and a mutual protection between polyphenolic compounds and proteins was observed, minimizing the bioactive compounds degradation along cooking process. The volatile organic fraction and the rate of starch digestion with related predicted glycaemic index were also investigated in fortified Tagliatelle samples, showing differences among them, demonstrating that the type of vegetable added characterized the aroma of both raw and cooked pasta. This functional pasta has proved to retain an antioxidant activity higher than the one obtained with the addition of traditional dehydrated vegetables.

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Effect of retort processing, containers, and motion types on digestibility of black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) starch.

Bangar, S. P. & Whiteside, W. S. (2023). International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 59 (2), 916-924.

With the growing demand for convenient and shelf-stable canned beans, understanding the changes in starch digestibility due to retort processing is crucial for optimising nutritional quality and enhancing consumer health. The present study investigated the impact of retort processing, specifically container type and agitation, on the digestibility of black bean starch. Retort pouches exhibited a more rapid heat transfer rate to the enclosed product than cans, which reduced the overall processing duration. Also, the processing time to achieve a Fo = 6 of Clostridium botulinum was almost 2.5 min (pouches) and 3.2 min (cans) faster for the oscillating than the static mode. The in vitro digestibility data revealed that the retort processing of black beans led to an increase in rapidly digestible starch (RDS) from 10.51% to 32.11%. However, slowly digestible starch (SDS) decreased from 15.67% to 7.89%, and resistant starch (RS) decreased from 47.91% to 11.86%, regardless of the container type and motion involved. Processing enhanced starch digestibility in all the combinations of container and motions; nevertheless, black beans in pouches with oscillatory motion still contain a relatively significant amount of SDS and RS than the other combinations. These findings have important implications for the food industry in optimising processing techniques and packaging strategies to preserve the nutritional value of black beans. The findings of this study can have practical implications for food producers engaged in the retort processing of foods contained in pouches and cans. The investigation will provide insights into how the process of retort sterilisation affects digestibility, including slowly digestible starch and resistant starch of different types of starch.

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Starch-ascorbyl palmitate inclusion complex, a type 5 resistant starch, reduced in vitro digestibility and improved in vivo glycemic response in mice.

Guo, J., Ellis, A., Zhang, Y., Kong, L. & Tan, L. (2023). Carbohydrate Polymers321, 121289.

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has become a major public health concern worldwide. Slowly digested or indigestible carbohydrates such as resistant starch (RS) are associated with a low glycemic index (GI) and the decreased risk of developing T2D. Recently, starch inclusion complexes (ICs) have raised attention due to their thermally stable structure and high RS content. In this study, starch-ascorbyl palmitate (AP) ICs were produced using two different methods with hydrothermal treatments performed, and their in vitro digestion kinetics and in vivo glycemic response in C57BL/6J mice were investigated to determine their potential as a new type of RS, i.e., RS5. After treatments of annealing followed by acid hydrolysis (ANN-ACH), IC samples produced by both methods retained V-type crystalline structure. Either in their raw or treated conditions, V6h-AP ICs prepared using the “empty” V-type method exhibited a more favorable hydrolysis pattern as compared to its counterpart produced by the DMSO method in terms of a lower hydrolysis rate and equilibrium concentration (C) (p < 0.05). From the in vitro results, the ANN-ACH treated V6h-AP IC exhibited an estimated GI (eGI) value of 54.83, falling within the range of low GI foods and was the lowest among all tested samples (p < 0.05). Consistent with the in vitro digestion kinetics, the in vivo results showed that mice fed with ANN-ACH V6h-AP IC exhibited a modest glycemic response as evidenced by the lowest increase in postprandial blood glucose and AUC blood glucose (p < 0.05). In addition, the in vivo GI of the ANN-ACH V6h-AP IC (39.53) was the lowest among all the sample treatments and was even lower than that of the RS2 comparison (56, p < 0.05), indicating its more pronounced effect in modulating the postprandial glycemic response in mice and great potential as a new RS5.

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The combined effect of oil-in-water emulsion soaking and modified pressure parboiling on starch digestibility of whole rice grains.

Sahoo, B., Mohan, A. & Anupam, R. (2023). LWT, 184, 114953.

The present work explores the enhancement strategy of resistant starch (RS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS) content in whole rice through oil-in-water emulsion (OIWE) soaking following modified pressure parboiling forming RS5 or lipid-amylose complex and RS3 or B-type crystals. Paddy was soaked for 8 h at 65°C in OIWE prepared from 5 ml oil (coconut, sunflower, palm, and soybean oil) in 100 ml OIWE and emulsifier (Tween-20 or soy lecithin) through sonication. Soaked paddy was pressure parboiled (PP) and further treated with subsequent modified pressure-parboiling steps, i.e., pressure-parboiling-steam-refrigeration (PPR), pressure parboiling-refrigeration-microwave (PPRM), and pressure-parboiling-refrigeration-microwave-refrigeration (PPRMR). A stepwise increment in RS (significant) and SDS content was observed in all water-soaked samples than in the raw sample when exposed to PP and each step of modified pressure parboiling. All OIWE-soaked samples with different treatments showed an escalation in RS and SDS content than raw and water-soaked samples. Among all samples, the coconut oil-in-water emulsion (COIWE) soaked PPRMR treated sample (oil: Tween 20 and oil: soy lecithin = 1:1, average droplet sizes of 190.9 and 274.5 nm and ζ-potentials of −18.6 and −39.5 mV, respectively) exhibited the highest enhancement in RS level (12.93 ± 0.41 g/100 g and 10.75 ± 0.32 g/100 g for Tween-20 and soy lecithin stabilized COIWE).

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Safety Information
Symbol : GHS05, GHS08
Signal Word : Danger
Hazard Statements : H314, H315, H319, H334
Precautionary Statements : P260, P261, P264, P280, P284, P301+P330+P331, P302+P352, P303+P361+P353, P304+P340, P342+P311, P501
Safety Data Sheet
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