Arabinan (Sugar Beet)

Content: 8 g
Shipping Temperature: Ambient
Storage Temperature: Ambient
Physical Form: Powder
Stability: > 2 years under recommended storage conditions
CAS Number: 11078-27-6
Source: Sugar-beet pulp
Purity: > 95%
Monosaccharides (%): Arabinose: Galactose: Rhamnose: Galacturonic acid: Other sugars = 74.1: 13.3: 1.4: 8.3: 2.9
Main Chain Glycosidic Linkage: α-1,5
Substrate For (Enzyme): endo-Arabinanase

High purity Arabinan (Sugar Beet) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

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Megazyme publication
Hydrolysis of wheat flour arabinoxylan, acid-debranched wheat flour arabinoxylan and arabino-xylo-oligosaccharides by β-xylanase, α-L-arabinofuranosidase and β-xylosidase.

McCleary, B. V., McKie, V. A., Draga, A., Rooney, E., Mangan, D. & Larkin, J. (2015). Carbohydrate Research, 407, 79-96.

A range of α-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1-4)-β-D-xylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) were produced by hydrolysis of wheat flour arabinoxylan (WAX) and acid debranched arabinoxylan (ADWAX), in the presence and absence of an AXH-d3 α-L-arabinofuranosidase, by several GH10 and GH11 β-xylanases. The structures of the oligosaccharides were characterised by GC-MS and NMR and by hydrolysis by a range of α-L-arabinofuranosidases and β-xylosidase. The AXOS were purified and used to characterise the action patterns of the specific α-L-arabinofuranosidases. These enzymes, in combination with either Cellvibrio mixtus or Neocallimastix patriciarum β -xylanase, were used to produce elevated levels of specific AXOS on hydrolysis of WAX, such as 32-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylobiose (A3X), 23-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotriose (A2XX), 33-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotriose (A3XX), 22-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotriose (XA2X), 32-α-L-Araf (1-4)-β-D-xylotriose (XA3X), 23-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotetraose (XA2XX), 33-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotetraose (XA3XX), 23 ,33-di-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotriose (A2+3XX), 23,33-di-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylotetraose (XA2+3XX), 24,34-di-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylopentaose (XA2+3XXX) and 33,34-di-α-L-Araf-(1-4)-β-D-xylopentaose (XA3A3XX), many of which have not previously been produced in sufficient quantities to allow their use as substrates in further enzymic studies. For A2,3XX, yields of approximately 16% of the starting material (wheat arabinoxylan) have been achieved. Mixtures of the α-L-arabinofuranosidases, with specific action on AXOS, have been combined with β-xylosidase and β-xylanase to obtain an optimal mixture for hydrolysis of arabinoxylan to L-arabinose and D-xylose.

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Megazyme publication
Developmental complexity of arabinan polysaccharides and their processing in plant cell walls.

Verhertbruggen, Y., Marcus, S. E., Haeger, A., Verhoef, R., Schols, H. A., McCleary, B. V., McKee, L., Gilbert, H. J. & Knox, J. P. (2009). The Plant Journal, 59(3), 413-425.

Plant cell walls are constructed from a diversity of polysaccharide components. Molecular probes directed to structural elements of these polymers are required to assay polysaccharide structures in situ, and to determine polymer roles in the context of cell wall biology. Here, we report on the isolation and the characterization of three rat monoclonal antibodies that are directed to 1,5-linked arabinans and related polymers. LM13, LM16 and LM17, together with LM6, constitute a set of antibodies that can detect differing aspects of arabinan structures within cell walls. Each of these antibodies binds strongly to isolated sugar beet arabinan samples in ELISAs. Competitive-inhibition ELISAs indicate the antibodies bind differentially to arabinans with the binding of LM6 and LM17 being effectively inhibited by short oligoarabinosides. LM13 binds preferentially to longer oligoarabinosides, and its binding is highly sensitive to arabinanase action, indicating the recognition of a longer linearized arabinan epitope. In contrast, the binding of LM16 to branched arabinan and to cell walls is increased by arabinofuranosidase action. The presence of all epitopes can be differentially modulated in vitro using glycoside hydrolase family 43 and family 51 arabinofuranosidases. In addition, the LM16 epitope is sensitive to the action of β-galactosidase. Immunofluorescence microscopy indicates that the antibodies can be used to detect epitopes in cell walls, and that the four antibodies reveal complex patterns of epitope occurrence that vary between organs and species, and relate both to the probable processing of arabinan structural elements and the differing mechanical properties of cell walls.

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Transcriptional delineation of polysaccharide utilization loci in the human gut commensal Segatella copri DSM18205 and co-culture with exemplar Bacteroides species on dietary plant glycans.

Panwar, D., Briggs, J., Fraser, A. S., Stewart, W. A. & Brumer, H. (2024). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, e01759-24.

There is growing interest in members of the genus Segatella (family Prevotellaceae) as members of a well-balanced human gut microbiota (HGM). Segatella are particularly associated with the consumption of a diet rich in plant polysaccharides comprising dietary fiber. However, understanding of the molecular basis of complex carbohydrate utilization in Segatella species is currently incomplete. Here, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of the type strain Segatella copri DSM 18205 (previously Prevotella copri CB7) to define precisely individual polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) and associated carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) that are implicated in the catabolism of common fruit, vegetable, and grain polysaccharides (viz. mixed-linkage β-glucans, xyloglucans, xylans, pectins, and inulin). Although many commonalities were observed, several of these systems exhibited significant compositional and organizational differences vis-à-vis homologs in the better-studied Bacteroides (sister family Bacteroidaceae), which predominate in post-industrial HGM. Growth on β-mannans, β(1, 3)-galactans, and microbial β(1, 3)-glucans was not observed, due to an apparent lack of cognate PULs. Most notably, S. copri is unable to grow on starch, due to an incomplete starch utilization system (Sus). Subsequent transcriptional profiling of bellwether Ton-B-dependent transporter-encoding genes revealed that PUL upregulation is rapid and general upon transfer from glucose to plant polysaccharides, reflective of de-repression enabling substrate sensing. Distinct from previous observations of Bacteroides species, we were unable to observe clearly delineated substrate prioritization on a polysaccharide mixture designed to mimic in vitro diverse plant cell wall digesta. Finally, co-culture experiments generally indicated stable co-existence and lack of exclusive competition between S. copri and representative HGM Bacteroides species (Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Bacteroides ovatus) on individual polysaccharides, except in cases where corresponding PULs were obviously lacking.

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Structural analysis of gum arabic side chains from Acacia seyal released by bifidobacterial β-arabino-oligosaccharide 3-O-β-L-arabinopyranosyl-α-L-arabinofuranosidase.

Sasaki, Y., Matsuo, A., Hashiguchi, M., Fujimura, K., Koshino, H., Tanaka, K., Ito, Y., Kitahara, K., Ishiwata, A. & Fujita, K. (2025). Carbohydrate Polymers, 349, 122965.

Gum arabic is widely used in the food and beverage industries for its emulsifying, stabilizing, and prebiotic effects, which promote Bifidobacterium growth. The two commercially approved varieties of gum arabic, namely, Acacia senegal gum and A. seyal gum, predominantly consist of arabinogalactan protein (AGP), albeit with different side chain modifications. We previously characterized two enzymes belonging to glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 39 in bifidobacteria involved in the release of α-d-Gal-(1→3)-α-l-Ara and β-l-Arap-(1→3)-α-l-Ara from the side chains of A. senegal gum. Although the carbohydrate structure of A. senegal gum is being increasingly explored, limited information is available on A. seyal gum. In this study, we discovered a novel GH39 β-arabino-oligosaccharide 3-O-β-l-arabinopyranosyl-α-l-arabinofuranosidase from Bifidobacterium catenulatum and revealed the accurate structure of β-l-arabino-oligosaccharides released from A. seyal gum as [β-l-Araf-(1→2)-]n-β-l-Arap-(1→3)-α-l-Araf-(1→) (n = 0–3). Growth assays and intracellular enzyme activity assessments using B. catenulatum revealed that β-l-arabino-oligosaccharides were degraded to l-arabinose by GH127 β-l-arabinofuranosidase and GH36 β-l-arabinopyranosidase. This study provides new insights into the diversity of AGP structures and the utilization mechanisms of A. seyal gum in bifidobacteria.

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Direct Conversion of Minimally Pretreated Corncob by Enzyme-Intensified Microbial Consortia.

Geng, A., Li, N., Zayas-Garriga, A., Xie, R., Zhu, D. & Sun, J. (2024). Agriculture, 14(9), 1610.

The presence of diverse carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) is crucial for the direct bioconversion of lignocellulose. In this study, various anaerobic microbial consortia were employed for the degradation of 10 g/L of minimally pretreated corncob. The involvement of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and a CAZyme-rich bacterium (Bacteroides cellulosilyticus or Paenibacillus lautus) significantly enhanced the lactic acid production by Ruminiclostridium cellulolyticum from 0.74 to 2.67 g/L (p < 0.01), with a polysaccharide conversion of 67.6%. The supplement of a commercial cellulase cocktail, CTec 2, into the microbial consortia continuously promoted the lactic acid production to up to 3.35 g/L, with a polysaccharide conversion of 80.6%. Enzymatic assays, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the substantial functions of these CAZyme-rich consortia in partially increasing enzyme activities, altering the surface structure of biomass, and facilitating substrate decomposition. These results suggested that CAZyme-intensified consortia could significantly improve the levels of bioconversion of lignocellulose. Our work might shed new light on the construction of intensified microbial consortia for direct conversion of lignocellulose.

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Different microbiota modulation and metabolites generation of five dietary glycans during in vitro gut fermentation are determined by their monosaccharide profiles.

Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Ma, Q., Wang, D., Jiang, Q., Wang, P., Ge, Z., Wang, J., Qin, P. & Zhao, X. (2024). Food Research International, 115011.

Dietary oligo- and polysaccharides modulate gut microbiota and thus exert prebiotic activity, which is determined by their heterogeneous structure. To explore the correlations between monosaccharide profile and microbial community, simulated gut fermentation of different glycans, including arabinan (ArB), galactooligosaccharide (GOS), arabinogalactan (ArG), rhamnogalacturonan (RhG), and xyloglucan (XyG) that are characterized by typical sugar residues were performed. Results showed that RhG displayed high contents of galacturonic acid (344.79 mg/g), rhamnose (171.70 mg/g), and galactose (151.77 mg/g), and the degradation ratio of them after fermentation was 73.87 %, 84.96 %, and 87.11 %, respectively. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of glycan-degrading bacteria Bacteroides in the RhG was boosted from 4 h (4.97 %) to 48 h (36.45%). Butyrate-generating bacteria Megasphaera (56.69 %) and Bifidobacterium (28.02 %) are dominant genera in the ArB, which generated the highest concentration of carbohydrate-metabolite (94.58 mmol/L) in terms of acetate, propionate, butyrate and valerate, followed by the ArG (87.36 mmol/L). However, ammonia generation of the ArG increased rapidly, representing the highest content of protein-metabolite (66.36 mmol/L) including ammonia, isobutyrate, and isovalerate. As compared, metabolites generated from protein and carbohydrates grow steadily at a low level during the XyG fermentation. Correlation analysis further indicated that Bacteroides was positively correlated with propionate (p < 0.001), galacturonic acid (p < 0.001), and rhamnose (p < 0.05), while Bifidobacterium has positive correlation with butyrate and arabinose (p < 0.01). Overall, monosaccharides composition in the different oligo- and polysaccharides induces distinct responses of the dominant microbiota and thus modulates the subsequent fermentation metabolites of carbohydrate and protein, promoting a deep understanding of the structure-fermentation relationship of dietary glycans.

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The Anti-Constipation Effect of Bifidobacterium Longum W11 Is Likely Due to a Key Genetic Factor Governing Arabinan Utilization.

Di Pierro, F., Zerbinati, N., Cazzaniga, M., Bertuccioli, A., Palazzi, C. M., Cavecchia, I., Matera, M., Labrini, E., Sagheddu, V. & Soldi, S. (2024). Microorganisms, 12(8), 1626.

Recent investigations have highlighted, both experimentally and clinically, that probiotic strains equipped with arabinofuranosidase, in particular abfA and abfB, favor regular intestinal motility, thus counteracting constipation. By analyzing the gene expression and the proliferative response in the presence of arabinan of the probiotic B. longum W11, a strain previously validated as an anti-constipation probiotic, we have speculated that its response mechanism to arabinan can effectively explain its clinical action. Our approach could be used in the future to select probiotics endowed with arabinofuranosidase-related anti-constipation effects.

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Reassigning the role of a mesophilic xylan hydrolysing family GH43 β-xylosidase from Bacteroides ovatus, BoExXyl43A as exo-β-1, 4-xylosidase.

Gavande, P. V., Ji, S., Cardoso, V., Fontes, C. M. & Goyal, A. (2024). Current Research in Biotechnology, 7, 100191.

The recombinant 40 kDa BoExXyl43A glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43) from bacterium Bacteroides ovatus exhibited highest specific activity (U/mg) against corn cob xylan (136.8), followed by Beechwood xylan (81.1), Carbosynth xylan (69.3), 4-O-D-methylglucuronoxylan (61.4) and Birchwood xylan (59.9). BoExXyl43A demonstrated optimal performance at 37 °C and pH 7.6 with Vmax and Km of 141.8 U/mg and 4.0 mg/mL as well as 64.1 U/mg and 6.0 mg/mL against corn cob and Birchwood xylan, respectively. The activity of BoExXyl43A increased by 48 % by addition of 10 mM Ca2+ ions, while 1 mM EDTA or 1 mM EGTA decreased its activity by 100 % or 42.5 %, respectively, highlighting its calcium-ion dependence. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analysis of BoExXyl43A hydrolysates of Birchwood and Beechwood xylan as well as that of various xylooligosaccharides (DP2-DP9) from corn cob xylan showed the release of D-xylose, identifying it as an exo-β-1,4-xylosidase/exo-β-1,4-xylanase (EC 3.2.1.-/ Moreover, the time-dependent TLC analysis of xylobiose hydrolysis showed release of D-xylose units, confirming its β-xylosidase activity. BoExXyl43A also exhibited exo-1,4-β-xylosidase activity on Larchwood and Carbosynth xylans. Notably, it released D-xylose from α-L-Araf2-xylotriose demonstrating its activity against decorated xylooligosaccharides. BoExXyl43A's exo-1,4-β-xylosidase and residual β-xylosidase activity on xylan and xylobiose, respectively, could potentially enhance xylan saccharification efficiency in bioethanol-based refineries. The molecular modeling showed that BoExXyl43A has 5-bladed β-propeller structure with a very shallow active-site having −1, +1 and + 2 subsites, which could accommodate three D-xylose units of longer xylan like xylododecaose thus supporting its exoxylosidase activity.

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A key genetic factor governing arabinan utilization in the gut microbiome alleviates constipation.

Zhang, C., Yu, L., Ma, C., Jiang, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Tian, F., Xue, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Chen, W., Huang, S., Zhang, J. & Zhai, Q. (2023). Cell Host & Microbe, 31(12), 1989-2006.

Impaired gastrointestinal motility is associated with gut dysbiosis. Probiotics, such as Bifidobacteria, can improve this bowel disorder; however, efficacy is strain-dependent. We determine that a genetic factor, the abfA cluster governing arabinan utilization, in Bifidobacterium longum impacts treatment efficacy against functional constipation (FC). In mice with FC, B. longum, but not an abfA mutant, improved gastrointestinal transit time, an affect that was dependent upon dietary arabinan. abfA genes were identified in other commensal bacteria, whose effects in ameliorating murine FC were similarly abfA-dependent. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, supplementation with abfA-cluster-carrying B. longum, but not an abfA-deficient strain, enriched arabinan-utilization residents, increased beneficial metabolites, and improved FC symptoms. Across human cohorts, abfA-cluster abundance can predict FC, and transplantation of abfA cluster-enriched human microbiota to FC-induced germ-free mice improved gut motility. Collectively, these findings demonstrate a role for microbial abfA cluster in ameliorating FC, establishing principles for genomics-directed probiotic therapies.

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Arabinoxylan-based substrate preferences and predicted metabolic properties of Bifidobacterium longum subspecies as a basis to design differential media.

Calvete-Torre, I., Sabater, C., Delgado, S., Ruas-Madiedo, P., Rupérez-García, A., Montilla, A., Moreno. F. J., Margolles, A. & Ruiz, L. (2023). Food Research International, 167, 112711.

Arabinoxylan (AX) and arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) derived therefrom are emergent prebiotics with promising health promoting properties, likely linked to its capacity to foster beneficial species in the human gut. Bifidobacteria appear to be one taxa that is frequently promoted following AX or AXOS consumption, and that is known to establish metabolic cross-feeding networks with other beneficial commensal species. Therefore, probiotic bifidobacteria with the capability to metabolize AX-derived prebiotics represent interesting candidates to develop novel probiotic and synbiotic combinations with AX-based prebiotics. In this work we have deepen into the metabolic capabilities of bifidobacteria related to AX and AXOS metabolization through a combination of in silico an in vitro tools. Both approaches revealed that Bifidobacterium longum and, particularly, B. longum subsp. longum, appears as the better equipped to metabolize complex AX substrates, although other related subspecies such as B. longum subsp. infantis, also hold some machinery related to AXOS metabolization. This correlates to the growth profiles exhibited by representative strains of both subspecies in AX or AXOS enriched media. Based on these results, we formulated a differential carbohydrate free medium (CFM) supplemented with a combination of AX and AXOS that enabled to recover a wide diversity of Bifidobacterium species from complex fecal samples, while allowing easy discrimination of AX metabolising strains by the appearance of a precipitation halo. This new media represent an appealing alternative to isolate novel probiotic bifidobacteria, rapidly discriminating their capacity to metabolize structurally complex AX-derived prebiotics. This can be convenient to assist formulation of novel functional foods and supplements, including bifidobacterial species with capacity to metabolize AX-derived prebiotic ingredients.

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Symbol : Not Applicable
Signal Word : Not Applicable
Hazard Statements : Not Applicable
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