The new Phosphate Assay Kit from Megazyme


The new Phosphate Assay Kit from Megazyme is a rapid, accurate and user-friendly method for the specific measurement and analysis of phosphate in foodstuffs, beverages and other materials.

The Megazyme K-PHOS method has significant advantages over other phosphate tests that are currently on the market.


  • Quicker – shorter test time than traditional molybdenum method. Total reaction time of approximately 25 min versus over 60 min.
  • Cost-effective – At €2.50/test, less expensive than competitors’ enzymatic methods.
  • User friendly – No standard curve required for a quicker and simpler analysis.
  • Cleaner – No associated heavy metal waste to dispose of after use.
  • Automatable – Suitable for high throughput analysis.


The new Phosphate Assay Kit

Data booklet – Link here