Collaborative Study of the Year Award
Study Director of the Year Award
In the early 2000’s, Dr. McCleary of Megazyme recognised the need for a dietary fibre method that would measure all food components considered to be dietary fibre i.e. to include dietary fibre as measured by the Prosky Method (AACC Method 985.29) as well as an accurate measure of resistant starch and non-digestible oligosaccharides. The outcome of research at Megazyme over a 5-year period was the “Integrated Total Dietary Fibre Method”. This procedure was published in Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry in 2007 (Vol 389; pp 291-308) and was the subject of an AOAC interlaboratory evaluation in 2007-2008. On the basis of the successful evaluation of the method, it was accepted as AOAC Method 2009.01. This method is now one of the procedures under consideration by CODEX Alimentarius as a Type I Method.
Recently, Dr. McCleary was notified that the study that he co-ordinated with Dr. Jon De Vries (Medallion Laboratories) was selected by AOAC International as Collaborative Study of the Year [Determination of Total Dietary Fibre (CODEX Definition) by Enzymatic-Gravimetric Method and Liquid Chromatography: 2009.01]. Also, for this study, Dr. McCleary was named “Study Director of the Year”.
The second phase of the evaluation of this method is currently underway. In this study, insoluble dietary fibre, high molecular weight soluble dietary fibre and low molecular weight soluble dietary fibre are being measured.
The Integrated Total Dietary Fibre method is available from Megazyme in kit form together with the required resins and controls. A video demonstrating the method can be viewed on the Megazyme website where the product appears in the catalogue.